Learn flute (3 Month course)
3 month Course
Total duration in months - 3
Total number of classes - 24
2 classes per week.
Following will be covered as a part of this course
1) Basic techniques of flute/violin
2) Basics concepts of Indian classical music.
3) 100 Alankars
4) Introduction of Raagas and their basic compositions,
along with alaap and taans.
Fees- 6000rs (Only for Indian students )
Note - Fees can also be paid in installments
For any additional information, please get in touch on the WhatsApp number provided in the admissions section of the website.
Fees and Payment Option for 3 Month Course
Payment can be done through internet banking.
Beneficiary name - Chinmay Gaur
Account number - 20248586377
Ifsc code - SBIN0011404
Other method, if you've google pay, you can search for this id - chinmaygaur@ybl
Amount to be paid Rs 6000
​Once you transfer the money , please share the receipt to the provided whatsapp number.
Note - But before transferring fees, please confirm if you have been selected or not.
Process of admission
Please read all the instructions very carefully.
Note - As These Courses Will Be Conducted Through Guru Shishya Parampara Methodology , Selection And Allotment In Specific Batch Of Student Will Be Done By Chinmay Gaur Himself.
Students must send their flute/violin recording (maximum 2 mins) along with their introduction.
Introduction must include their name, age, place and occupation
Submit your video to the whatsapp number provided below.
Enquiry and video submission 9509447719 (Only through whatsapp. Calling not allowed).